
In Deep Gratitude for the following artists:

Mollie Bryan for her endless passion in supporting light artists in the Pacific Northwest.

~~ clips here are oldies but goodies! ~~

Pamela Mortensen for traveling the artist’s road with me. Our first show, she traipsed a forest of didgeridoos that she made, telling stories with their sounds, while I lit the place up. See the archive for that clip.

-songs “Blu” and “Inna Hayu” from
Tree Speak used for “Creation” and “Cernunnos”. Pam is a positive light and anyone would benefit from taking didj lessons from her.

Magical Strings– song “Waterville Nocturne” from
Beneath the Moon was used in “Night Faeries”. They performed at Faerieworlds festival and have granted me permission sight unseen!

Duane Galbreath for the use of his mask in “Cernunnos” along with his merry love and support for my part in the magical community.

The Wicker Men- song “The Messenger” from Earth Cry was used in “Wind and Leaf”… and for their revelry.